I am grateful for the scholarships and mentorships received from the following: 

2024 SCBWI East PA Illustrator Day Scholarship

2023 SCBWI San Diego 3rd place DEI Grant

2022 WNDB Finalist : Illustration 

2022 Asian Women Writer's Consultation Mentorship

2022 Write Mentor WOWCON scholarship 

2022 Highlights Foundation : Jane Yolen & Heidi EY Stemple Scholarship

2022 The Writing Barn : Courage to Create Community

2022  Inked Voices : PB Workshop with Wendy McClure

2021 Highlights Foundation : Becoming a Non-Fiction Writer

2021 OC Arts Studios : Graphic Novel 101 

2021 OC Arts Studios : Head, Hands, and Feet

And the Canada Council of the Arts for a 2022 literary arts grant to research and create my middle grade historical fiction graphic novel and two more grant for professional development (2022-2023). 

I am of Chinese descent, I speak three languages, and have lived experiences in Asia and North America.

Currently a member of CANSCAIP and SCBWI Canada East  and active participant in several critique groups (Picture book, Graphic Novel, All Ages and Non-fiction).

My architectural and visual arts work have received recognition. My paintings were published by Scarborough Arts in their Big Art Book. I began writing to bring to life characters drawn over the years, while waiting for opportunities to be a children's book illustrator.

I believe the stories I want to tell matter apart from being funny or cute, I want to tackle S.E.L. creative NF providing interesting information to children, and issues related to esteem, depression, coping with trauma, and observation to engage children with awareness, resilience, hope, courage, and critical thinking.  

Illustrating for children comes naturally to me, as I grew up a Disney, anime, and comic fan. I create characters of children with personality, or anthropomorphic pets set in different imaginary landscapes or interiors.

My illustrations embody fun or delight with constant motion or static tension - ready to bolt into action. 

My body of work is filled with whimsy, fun, and color using the mediums of ink, pen, acrylic, watercolor, and digital.

Open for commissions, portraits, and guest lecturer : shirley.v.ting@gmail.com 

Ways to Keep in Touch

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Please put in your subject re: illustration 


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For more snippets of work in progress, idea sketches, buildings, interiors and many more. 


Art CV

Find out the background foundation for my illustrations

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All About Hana 

All About Hana Picture Book 
Six-year-old Hana is full of energy happily making memories at the park. Hana is the Japanese word for flower while in other languages, it translates to hope, grace, glow, radiance, “to shine” and “to give out of love”. This picture book shows the time Hana spends with her parents before they go their separate ways.

Where to  Purchase


